środa, 20 listopada 2019

At school - W szkole - 6latki

At school


bag – plecak
pencil case – piórnik
pencil - ołówek
book - książka
rubber - gumka
crayon(s) - kredka/ki
paints – farby

teacher – nauczyciel
school – szkoła
peg – wieszak
table – stolik
chair – krzesło
in – w
 under – pod
on - na

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

I’m going to school. – idę do szkoły
I’ve got my… - ja mam…
It’s in/under, on…. – to jest w/pod spodem/ na…

What’s in your bag? – co jest w twoim plecaku?
Where is the… ?- gdzie jest…?
How many are there? - ile tam jest?
Is it...? - czy to jest...?
What color is it? - jaki to kolor?

It's ... - to jest...
There is/are... - tam jest/są...
What is it? - co to jest?
Yes, it is... - tak,to jest...
No, it isn't... - nie, to nie jest

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